
Fagdidaktisk kursus

· 3 min read
Fagdidaktisk kursus


Tekst-til-billede modeller

ThinkDiffusion - Stable Diffusion in the Cloud
Use the most powerful Stable Diffusion UI in under 90 seconds. No code. No setup. Results now.
Adobe Firefly
Flux Pro AI
Flux AI Online Free! Experience the power of Flux AI, the cutting-edge AI image generator. Create stunning visuals faster and easier than ever before. Compare with Stable Diffusion 3 and see the difference!

Tekst-til-video og billede-til-video modeller

Runway | Tools for human imagination.
Runway is an applied AI research company shaping the next era of art, entertainment and human creativity.


Suno is building a future where anyone can make great music.
Udio | AI Music Generator - Official Website
Discover, create, and share music with the world. Use the latest technology to create AI music in seconds.

Analyseværktøj til grafiske produktioner

3M VAS - Visual Attention Software

Podcast - lyd-til-tekst eller tekst-til-lyd

NotebookLM | Note Taking & Research Assistant Powered by AI
Use the power of AI for quick summarization and note taking, NotebookLM is your powerful virtual research assistant rooted in information you can trust. | Podcasts on demand
Good Tape — Secure and automatic transcription
Good Tape is an automatic transcription service that makes it easy for journalists (and others) to turn audio recordings into text, regardless of language or sound quality. We save you time and effort so you can focus on what really matters.
ElevenLabs: Free Text to Speech & AI Voice Generator | ElevenLabs
Create the most realistic speech with our AI audio in 1000s of voices and 32 languages. Pioneering research in Text to Speech and AI Voice Generation



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