
News of the week: EU AI regulation adopted

· 11 min read
News of the week: EU AI regulation adopted

The last week has been very eventful, and in this newsletter, we summarize what has happened internationally and nationally. The newsletter has become longer than usual, but we hope you can keep up, as the field of artificial intelligence in education is developing quickly. 

This week, we focus on the EU's AI regulation that has just been adopted, Google's launch of their project Gemini, the opening of the knowledge center for digital technology understanding, the new PISA study, a new expert group to look at copyright and the return of Marie Bjerre as Minister for Digitization. In addition, we have compiled a news overview and recent articles on

EU AI Regulation adopted

On the night of Saturday, after over 36 hours of negotiations, the pieces finally fell into place for the new AI regulation. The European Parliament has decided to use the OECD proposal to define artificial intelligence instead of the previously proposed definition. 

Claus has written an article with the most significant changes, including those relevant to the education sector.

Google launches Gemini - the language model of all language models (maybe)

Last week, Google launched their language model, which they call Gemini, and we wrote a short article showing some of the possibilities in teaching. It is misleading to call it a language model because, in reality, the model is multimodal and can work with text, images, audio, video, and programming code. 

In our article, we did not examine the video where one of Google's employees has a conversation with Gemini, and it has also turned out that they have embellished reality a little too much. We do not know that artificial intelligence can have such fluid and human conversations with us. But it turns out to be a direction where technology is heading and is well in line with the computer as a cognitive partner, which Christian Dalsgaard and Francesco Caviglia, among others, are researching.

The opening of the knowledge center for digital technology understanding

On Monday, the new knowledge center for understanding digital technology was opened, and there were speeches from Minister for Children and Education Mattias Tesfaye, among others. All the speakers were that they delivered their take on what was central to them about understanding digital technology as a discipline.

Åbningskonference for Videnscenter for Digital Teknologiforståelse
Den officielle åbning af Videnscenter for Digital Teknologiforståelse d. 4. december 2023 på Københavns Professionshøjskole. Åbningen markeres sammen med nogle af landets førende eksperter og beslutningstagere inden for teknologiforståelse. Oplægsholderne, som kan ses på videoen, er:Jakob…

Below, you can read some of the messages the knowledge center shared on their LinkedIn page.

Background on the new Knowledge Centre for Digital Technology Understanding
The Knowledge Centre for Digital Technology Understanding will explore how children and young people can constructively and critically be co-creators of the digital technologies that form the framework for our lives, communities, and society. The ambition is that all children and young people, regardless of gender, zip code, or social background, gain knowledge about and understanding of digital technology to constructively and critically participate as democratic citizens in a digitalized society.

The task of the knowledge center
The center builds on previous experiments and projects and, for the first time, brings together the Danish academic environments across universities, university colleges, schools, and colleges and students to establish a Danish approach and knowledge base for expected professionalism in digital technology understanding in primary and secondary education (STX, HHX, and HTX). Based on Danish school traditions and the latest international experiences, the center will deliver new educational initiatives and further develop an understanding of Danish and mathematics technology.

Organization and participants
The consortium is nationwide and has eight partners: The six university colleges, Aarhus University, and the University of Copenhagen. Aarhus University and University College Copenhagen are host organizations representing their respective sectors. They are responsible for anchoring digital technology understanding in upper secondary and higher education, primary and lower secondary education, and teacher education, respectively. The center is supported with DKK 50 million by the Lundbeck Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, and the Villum Foundation for a program period 2023 – 2028.

New PISA study

The new PISA study has been published and breathes life into the debate about screens in schools. And suppose Denmark begins doing the same as Sweden. In that case, the screens will remain the same in primary school, so we will find it challenging to include digital technologies such as artificial intelligence as an object field in education. However, before the debate turns into an excellent wing war, we want to highlight Martin Ingemann's interpretation of the PISA study. He emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between correlation and causality and criticizes the simplistic attribution of these tendencies to screen time in education.

Below, we have gathered some sources about the PISA study:

Efter alarmerende undersøgelser: Børn skal have trænet deres opmærksomhed i skolen
Danske børns dalende læse- og matematikevner er en følge af de systematiske distraktioner fra den digitale teknologi, siger forskere, der udvikler nyt værktøj til at skærpe elevernes fokus.
PISA: Danske elever er blevet væsentligt dårligere til at læse og regne
Det er første gang, der ses så store fald i resultater mellem to Pisa-runder. Udvikling ses også i OECD.
Ny PISA-undersøgelse: Elever over hele verden er gået tilbage i læsning og matematik - også i Danmark
Overblik: Sådan klarer danske elever sig i PISA-test
Trods nedgangen i læse- og matematikfærdighederne ligger Danmark fortsat væsentligt over OECD-gennemsnittet.

Minister for Culture Jakob Engel-Schmidt will set up an expert group to recommend possible adjustments to the Copyright Act in light of how artificial intelligence affects the copyright system. The talented group will comprise representatives from collecting societies, trade associations, and technical experts. The expectation is that persons with technical knowledge, copyright knowledge, and practical experience in the field will represent the expert group.

The expert group will be set up in the new year and will work until the summer recess.

Nu bliver ophavsretsloven moderniseret
Kulturministeriets væsentligste opgaver består i ministerrådgivning og lovgivningsmæssige initiativer. Kulturministeriet består af Kulturministeriets departement, en styrelse og ca. 20 statsinstitutioner. Kulturministeriet varetager endvidere styringsmæssige opgaver i forhold til bl.a. de statslige,…

Digital society impact of the year.

Head of the new knowledge center for digital technology understanding, Ole Sejer Iversen, and Michael E. Caspersen, director of It-vest - collaborating universities, have been honored with the Digital Society Impact Award by Digital Dogme and DI Digital. They receive the award for integrating digital technology understanding into the Danish education system. 

For more details, you can read the full article below:

AU-forskere hædres for at være frontløbere på teknologiforståelse i uddannelsessystemet
Ole Sejer Iversen, professor i interaktionsdesign ved AU og Michael E. Caspersen, direktør ved It-vest og adjungeret professor ved Institut for Datalogi, er de første modtagere af prisen for årets digitale samfunds-impact. Prisen er indstiftet af branchefælleskaberne Digital Dogme og DI Digital.

Marie Bjerre is back as Minister for Digitalisation and Gender Equality

Mia Wagner (V) resigns from the government as Minister for Digitalisation and Gender Equality after a few weeks due to health problems. Wagner fainted in his kitchen and has been on sick leave since December 1. The Prime Minister's Office has announced that Wagner's duties will be taken over by Marie Bjerre (V), who was previously replaced in the reshuffle.

Mia Wagner stopper som minister: Marie Bjerre gør comeback i regeringen
Nyudnævnt Venstre-minister Mia Wagner trækker sig efter kort tid på posten. "Det var ikke en situation, jeg havde ønsket," siger partiformand Troels Lund Poulsen. 
Mia Wagner træder helt ud af regeringen efter alvorligt ildebefindende
Digitaliserings- og ligestillingsminister træder ud af regeringen.

New articles on Viden.AI

This week, three articles have appeared on the blog. In addition to focusing on AI regulation, we have focused on Project Gemini and gathered the most essential information about how it can affect teaching. Claus is also working on a significant project investigating why language models generate falsehoods, and the first part was launched last week. The second part is coming this week.

EU AI Regulation adopted
On the night of Saturday, and after over 36 hours of negotiation, the pieces finally fell into place for the new AI regulation Here are the most important changes, including .dem relevant to the education sector. The European Parliament has decided in future to use the OECD’s proposal for a
Google launches Gemini: multimodal AI that surpasses GPT-4
Google has just launched their project Gemini, which consists of three different AI models, all of which will take on OpenAI’s ChatGPT. * Gemini Nano is designed for use in mobile phones and can run offline on Android devices. * The Gemini Pro is a slightly larger model, which is currently used
When language models generate falsehoods – “hallucinating” – Part 1
ChatGPT hallucinationer forklaret: Sprogmodel fejl, AI antropomorfisme og usandheder.


Below, we have gathered international and national news.

Undersøgelse bekræfter: Kulturen i byggeriet hæmmer AI-potentiale
I en ny undersøgelse fra Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning vurderer et bredt udsnit af branchefolk, at kunstig intelligens vil blive en central drivkraft i den grønne omstilling - men det kræver flere investeringer, uddannelse og villighed til at prøve nye tilgange.
Gymnasieelever og forskere: Ingen skal kunne gennemføre gymnasiet uden fundamental forståelse for digital teknologi
For hvert år vi undlader at uddanne gymnasieelever i digital teknologiforståelse, kaster vi en årgang af unge ud i uvidenhed om de digitale infrastrukturer, som er fundamentale for vores demokrati. Indfør derfor digital teknologiforståelse i gymnasiet, skriver Asger Kjæ…
Nye prøvevilkår for engelsk afspejler ikke virkeligheden
Hvordan forhindrer vi, at vores elever snyder til afgangsprøven i skriftlig engelsk? Hvis man spørger Styrelsen for Kvalitet og Undervisning, er det nemt. Vi sikrer os nemlig bare, at eleverne ikke kan benytte fx ChatGPT, stave- og grammatikkontrol og Google Translate. Easy-peasy. Helt konkret vil m…
ChatGPT har startet en revolution, men ikke revolutioneret noget | Version2
På tærsklen til 2023 blev ChatGPT lanceret, men er der hold i hypen og - ikke mindst - i frygten for at miste jobbet til kunstig intelligens?

Bag betalingsmur

AI på DMJX: ”Toget vil køre, selvom man siger nej” - Illustreret Bunker
Med nye retningslinjer for brugen af AI er kunstig intelligens så småt begyndt at snige sig ind i klasser og auditorier på DMJX. Men hvordan bliver man en ansvarlig ChatGPT-bruger? Hvem har ansvaret for, at AI ikke bare tager vores jobs? Og er det overhovedet ansvarligt at bruge AI i journalistisk a…
Indfør fælles kontrol med eksamenssnyd
Copilot chat er nu tilgængelig for alle medarbejdere på SDU
SDU stiller nu chatbotten Copilot til rådighed for alle medarbejdere på SDU. Det giver gode muligheder for at afprøve AI-teknologien på egne opgaver. Som bruger skal man dog kende til de sikkerhedsmæssige begrænsninger og faldgruber.
DI: Kunstig intelligens kan gøre alle dygtigere – undervis studerende i at bruge teknologien
Det er vigtigt at bevare den kritiske sans, men studerende bør undervises i brug af kunstig intelligens. For det er forventningen på arbejdsmarkedet, at medarbejderne kan bruge de værktøjer, der findes, skriver Mikkel Haarder fra Dansk Industri.

Scientific articles

Below, we select articles that have a slightly more scientific perspective. These are articles that we read ourselves to keep ourselves updated, and at the same time, we also know that they could be more interesting for most people.

A systematic review of ChatGPT use in K-12 education
I denne artikel undersøges brugen af ChatGPT og der er opsummeret 13 studier om ChatGPT's fordele og udfordringer i undervisningen, såsom at hjælpe lærere med planlægning og at tilpasse undervisningen til hver elev.

Zhang, P., & Tur, G. (2023). A systematic review of ChatGPT use in K-12 education. European Journal of Education, 00, 1–22.

Exponentially Faster Language Modelling
Forskere fra ETH Zurich har udviklet UltraFastBERT, en teknik, der kan øge hastigheden på de store sprogmodeller. Ifølge artiklen har dette stort potentiale for store sprogmodeller som OpenAI's GPT-3, men yderligere softwareoptimeringer er nødvendige.

Exponentially Faster Language Modelling
Language models only really need to use an exponential fraction of their neurons for individual inferences. As proof, we present UltraFastBERT, a BERT variant that uses 0.3% of its neurons during inference while performing on par with similar BERT models. UltraFastBERT selectively engages just 12 ou…
UltraFastBERT: ETH Zurich develops technology to dramatically speed up LLMs
Scientists at ETH Zurich have developed a technique that can drastically speed up large language models.