
About Viden.AI

About Viden.AI

All our texts on are written by people, for people! We do NOT use artificial intelligence to write our texts because we believe it will take away our credibility. 

We hate advertising, product placement, or other covert techniques to influence a target audience. If we write about a product on the site, it will be because we have found the product exciting and want to write about it, not because a company has thrown money at us. Fees from various presentations nationwide cover all expenses for running the website.

All content is also based on a combination of the fact that we are technology nerds while at the same time teaching and being able to see how technology affects the everyday life of schools. We have chosen to be curious about the new technology and embrace it. Still, at the same time, we have chosen to introduce it only in teaching, where it provides something extra that would otherwise not be possible.

Recently, the possibility of using artificial intelligence (AI) in school education has been widely discussed. Many teachers and school leaders are worried about whether AI will replace them. But what is AI, and how can it be used in teaching?

AI is a computing method that allows computers to perform tasks that normally require human capabilities. This can include recognizing faces, writing texts, speaking, or solving math problems.

Artificial intelligence as part of primary and secondary school

In Viden.AI, we believe that AI can positively impact teaching and that management and teachers must be equipped to use it in teaching. Otherwise, it happens that students abuse it and, for example, cheat on exams.

With AI-powered tutors and programs, students can receive one-on-one help from a computer, which can give them instant feedback on their progress. And with crowded classrooms, teachers don't have much time to offer individual help with assignments. AI assistants can be there 24/7, even when the teacher is unavailable.

On this page, we will focus on the possibilities of the new technology and show the possibilities in different subjects. Overall, we see it as a development that cannot be stopped, and we do not believe that bans are possible: The cat is already out of the bag and running fast!

Currently, we don't see many examples of how teachers can use AI in education, which is why we've created this page. If used in the right way, technology can have a positive effect on student learning. 

However, it is important to remember that AI can never replace the teacher!

Structure of the page

The site is divided into an open area that everyone has access to and a closed member area. In the open area, we generally write about various examples of AI used in teaching without going into depth with the technical part. We have saved it for members of the site because our biggest fear is that teachers will not have time to catch up with the new technology until students actively use it in class. We therefore ask that the content from the closed part remains on the page and thus is not shared externally. 

We don't care much about whether the content is arranged concerning some search robot or how much the individual article is read. For us, it is important that there is a channel that brings together all this information and that it is independent and free from market forces.

Viden.AI is developed and operated by:

Per Størup Lauridsen and IT pedagogical employee

Claus Scheuer-Larsen
Lector and IT manager

NoteFor us, it is a hobby, just like someone playing with model trains, and therefore has nothing to do with Odense Technical Gymnasium.

Contact us at:

Per Størup Lauridsen
[email protected]
Tel: 22821358