A mood board is a collection of different visual elements, such as sketches, images (e.g., magazine clippings), texts, colors, physical materials, and the like, combined as a collage to convey a general idea, a visual direction, or a feeling. Often used in creative industries such as design, fashion, advertising, web and app design, film and television, video games, art, and architecture, mood boards can be useful at all stages of a creative project, from idea generation to presentation.

Moodboards are traditionally made on paper or a blackboard, but digital moodboards have gained ground in recent years. Digital mood boards are typically made in Canva or Photoshop.

Alternative programs to Midjourney:
DALL-E 2 [Paid] • Closed Software
Craiyon [Freemium] • Open Source
Stable Diffusion Online [Free] • Closed Software
Microsoft Designer [Free] • Closed Software
DiffusionBee [Free] • Open Source
BlueWillow [Free] • Closed Software

Examples of classic mood boards:

Here are three examples of classic mood boards from design classes:

Moodboards made with Midjourney AI:

When you want to create a mood board with Midjourney, you need to define some words that are meaningful to the project you are working on. Below, we have tried to make mood boards for many different projects. That's pretty impressive, although Midjourney obviously can't add physical elements to the mood board. It is very inspiring to explore and perhaps most useful as an idea development tool. There is usually a lot of thought behind the idea that a mood board represents, and Midjourney can't help with that. But by making many different representations of your idea and by varying the words you immediately use, you get a super good starting point that you can work on.

The first example we have chosen is about green renewable energy, described with words like: "green energy renewable wind turbine solar panel" It sparks our minds!

/imagine: mood board green energy renewable wind turbine solar panel

The next thing is about coffee – the fuel that keeps us going daily. It sparks the emotions, and you can almost smell the coffee and cakes. Great if you want to create a website - or maybe an idea for a visual identity for a new Café.

/imagine: mood board coffee beans, freshly brewed coffee, café cozy cookie

The design profession at HTX often works with furniture design and Danish furniture classics. Here, too, Midjourney can spark the imagination:

/imagine: mood board Furniture chair modern style Danish design
/imagine: mood board Furniture chair modern style Danish design --v 5

We work with fashion in the technical subject of design and production, Textiles at HTX. Here's Midjourney's take on: fashion design accessories modern men

/imagine: mood board fashion design accessories modern men

Now we get philosophical and play with artificial intelligence chatgpt midjourney education. Here, too, thoughts are being spurred!

/imagine: mood board artificial intelligence chatgpt midjourney education

Here is a new take on a visual identity for a modern café, incl. interior design suggestions: café date cozy coffee small tables modern style people realistic

/imagine: mood board cafe date cozy coffee small tables modern style people realistic

The next two examples are about electric cars and the future. Exciting ideas for new concept cars. electric cars electric vehicles future renewable energy

/imagine: moodboard electric cars electric vehicles future renewable energy
/imagine: moodboard futuristic cars electric

What about generating ideas for a new computer game? For example, adventure Viking games?

/imagine mood board characters videogame adventure vikings battle

/imagine mood board videogame scenes viking battle

/imagine mood board viking village video game art

/imagine many viking battle video game realistic cutscene

/imagine mood board characters videogame adventure vikings battle

/imagine mood board videogame scenes viking battle
/imagine mood board viking village video game art
/imagine mood board viking village video game art --v 5
/imagine many viking battle video game realistic cutscene


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