We have just presented at Christiansborg about: "ChatGPT - what does it mean for teaching and exams?".

The hearing was organized by the European Movementthe Academics and the ADD project.

In our presentation, we took our starting point in the many inputs we have received during visits to high schools around the country, the conversations we have had with educational leaders and researchers, and the knowledge we have gathered from our everyday lives.

The main message was that the education system and our workplaces are under pressure due to artificial intelligence and that there is a need to consider the following:

  • Development of guidelines and frameworks on how artificial intelligence can be used ethically and responsibly in educational institutions.
  • Development of new curricula and teaching methods that make room for the influence of artificial intelligence on education and learning.
  • Technology literacy must be incorporated at all levels of our education system so that students are formed and educated for a reality with artificial intelligence and digitization everywhere.
  • Training and retraining of teachers in using artificial intelligence and building their didactic competencies in technology and digital tools.
  • Ensure that assessments and exams reflect the changing demands and competencies that students must master in a world affected by artificial intelligence.
  • General (EU) guides on transparency, ethical issues, responsible use, and protection of personal data in education.

Our full presentation can be downloaded here:

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