Artificial intelligence is one of the most debated topics in technology in the second half of January 2023. Much has been written about how artificial intelligence can improve our lives and streamline our everyday lives, for better or worse. As with all digital technologies, there are also environmental consequences of using artificial intelligence. This applies to both the training of the models, especially the massive use of the significant language models such as ChatGPT we are seeing now. 

The CO2 footprint from training and the use of artificial intelligence is a steadily growing problem, as it requires a lot of energy to operate and cool the data centers. The spread of artificial intelligence is exploding, where all the major players, such as Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, Meta, and others, will have their share of the cake. But it's not necessarily all negative: AI can also help reduce our carbon footprint by optimizing industrial processes and helping us make more sustainable decisions, for example, in new transport solutions. It can be challenging to accept that we need to influence the environment in this way to enjoy the benefits of AI.

In this article, we will examine the environmental factors of artificial intelligence, including training and use, and how it affects our CO2 footprint. We will also study how artificial intelligence can help reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The article is intended as a basis for debate in education and contains links to sources dealing with CO2 footprint and artificial intelligence. Let's start with a quote from the EU magazine "Horizon - the EU Research & Innovation Magazine":

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology can help us fight climate change – but it also comes at a cost to the planet. To truly benefit from the technology's climate solutions, we also need a better understanding of AI's growing carbon footprint, say researchers.


The environmental culprit

The first consideration is the environmental impact of operating artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. Several people have tried to estimate what this means for the climate:

1 million users with 10 questions each =
29,167 h. of A100 GPU time per day
29,167 hours * 407W = 11,870kWh per day
0.000322167 * 11.870 = 3.82 tCO₂e per day (California emmision used)
That’s about 3 months of an average American’s footprint of approximately 
15 tCOe per year. Or put another way the same CO₂ emission rate as 93 Americans. 


Not to mention the environmental impact of training ChatGPT, which the Danish data scientist Kasper Groes Albin Ludvigsen also says in his article:

ChatGPT is based on a version of GPT-3. It has been estimated that training GPT-3 consumed 1,287 MWh which emitted 552 tons CO2e


Another suggestion for a calculation of energy consumption for training is this:

The latest language models include billions and even trillions of weights. One popular model, GPT-3, has 175 billion machine learning parameters. It was trained on NVIDIA V100, but researchers have calculated that using A100s would have taken 1,024 GPUs, 34 days and $4.6million to train the model. While energy usage has not been disclosed, it’s estimated that GPT-3 consumed 936 MWh.

Kilde: popular model%2C GPT-3,GPT-3 consumed 936 MWh

All these calculations are estimates, as OpenAI has not provided concrete information showing what hardware has been used. (There are also no estimates of time and power consumption.) However, the forecast mentioned are reasonable and perhaps even a little conservative. However, they tell us that using artificial intelligence regarding climate is not free. Notice that the calculations are made with one million daily users. These were the status after just one week with ChatGPT! 

On February 2, several media outlets wrote that it is estimated that ChatGPT will reach 100 million active users by January 2023! It took TikTok 9 months and Spotify 4 1/2 years to get 100 million users. ChatGPT is supposed to be the fastest-growing IT product ever and on par with Pokemon Go.

ChatGPT reportedly reached 100 million users in January | Engadget
ChatGPT has been growing at a rate much, much faster than TikTok or any other popular app or service, according to a study..

Kasper Groes Albin Ludvigsen has written a post on LinkedIn in which there is a calculation of ChatGPT's power consumption: ChatGPT may have consumed as much electricity as 17,526 Danes in January.TikTok

Kasper Groes Albin Ludvigsen on LinkedIn: #openai #chatgpt #energy #electricity
ChatGPT may have consumed as much electricity as 17,526 Danes in January How did I arrive at this number? BLOOM is a language model similar in size to...

A sustainable solution?

The second consideration is that many researchers believe we must use artificial intelligence to combat or reduce CO2 emissions.

Artificial intelligence models can help analyze large amounts of data and identify trends and patterns that can improve the effectiveness of climate action in the long term. For example, artificial intelligence can monitor and model climate change, predict the weather, and analyze data on CO2 emissions to help reduce emission levels. Artificial intelligence can also be used to optimize the use of clean energy and help design more sustainable homes and infrastructure.

Below, we have made a small collection of links that are obvious to use in subjects such as technology, history of ideas, social studies, or similar for debate on artificial intelligence concerning the environment and climate.

With this article, we hope that the debates around educational institutions will get going.

CO2 footprint of training and operating artificial intelligence (e.g. ChatGPT)

The carbon impact of artificial intelligence - Nature Machine Intelligence
The part that artificial intelligence plays in climate change has come under scrutiny, including from tech workers themselves who joined the global climate strike last year. Much can be done by developing tools to quantify the carbon cost of machine learning models and by switching to a sustainable…
Facebook disclose the carbon footprint of their new LLaMA models
Facebook used 2.6 million KWh hours of electricity and emitted 1,000 tons of CO2 when developing their new LLaMA models.
ChatGPT’s electricity consumption, pt. II
An estimate of ChatGPT’s costs supports estimate that ChatGPT uses millions of kilowatt hours per month.
We’re getting a better idea of AI’s true carbon footprint
AI startup Hugging Face has undertaken the tech sector’s first attempt to estimate the broader carbon footprint of a large language model.
How to estimate and reduce the carbon footprint of machine learning models
Two ways to easily estimate the carbon footprint of machine learning models and 17 ideas for how you might reduce it
Innlegg: Dagens kunstige intelligens er ikke bærekraftig | DN
Utviklingen innen kunstig intelligens er fantastisk, men den er ikke bærekraftig, hverken i miljømessig, sosial eller økonomisk forstand. Norge bør ta ansvar for å justere kursen.
The Carbon Footprint of ChatGPT
This article attempts to estimate the carbon footprint of the popular OpenAI chatbot called ChatGPT
AI is harming our planet: addressing AI’s staggering energy cost
AI models consume massive energy levels, accelerating the climate crisis. Read how neuroscience-based techniques dramatically reduce AI’s energy footprint.
The carbon footprint of ChatGPT
An estimate of the carbon emissions from OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot service
8 podcast episodes on the climate impact of machine learning
Here’s a curated list of 8 great podcast episodes about the environmental footprint of machine learning and how to reduce it
The AI Carbon Footprint and Responsibilities of AI Scientists | Montreal AI Ethics Institute
🔬 Research Summary by Eryn Rigley, a PhD research student at University of Southampton, specialising in the intersection of environmental and AI ethics, as well as defence & security AI ethics.
Studerende opfinder værktøj, der forudsiger algoritmers CO2-aftryk
I forskerkredse anslår man, at kunstig intelligens - som ellers er udpeget som et effektivt våben mod klimaforandringer - bliver en af de største CO2-syndere, hvis den nuværende tendens fortsætter. For at skabe bevidsthed om den udfordring har to studerende fra Københavns Universitet lanceret et vær…
Carbontracker: Kunstig intelligens kan skade miljøet
Kunstig intelligens og deep learning kan gøre stor skade på klimaet - danske studerende har opfundet carbontracker til at måle CO2-aftrykket.
The Carbon Footprint of AI and Deep Learning - Analytics Vidhya
In this article, lets understand the Carbon Footprint of AI and Deep Learning and what this computational task is costing us
AI’s Carbon Footprint Problem
Machine learning generates far more carbon emissions than most people realize. A Stanford team has developed a tool to measure the hidden cost.
Training a single AI model can emit as much carbon as five cars in their lifetimes
Deep learning has a terrible carbon footprint.
How to shrink AI’s ballooning carbon footprint
Emissions data for different locations could help researchers to reduce the environmental cost of machine-learning experiments.
How to estimate and reduce the carbon footprint of machine learning models
Two ways to easily estimate the carbon footprint of machine learning models and 17 ideas for how you might reduce it
Machine Learning CO2 Impact Calculator
Machine Learning has in impact on our climate. Here’s how to estimate your GPU’s carbon emissions
The Carbon Footprint Of AI
The carbon footprint of AI is increasing exponentially. Bigger models requiring ever more data contribute toward ‘RedAI’ - we need a new approach
AI Footprint: environmental impact in new OECD report
by Raffaella Aghemo
An AI model that is energy efficient is just as important as its purpose
Why keeping low energy outputs can be a sustainable solution for the proper utilization of resources.

Artificial Intelligence as a Method to Minimize Carbon Footprint

Kunstig intelligens er vejen frem
Der er mange muligheder for reduktion af trængsel og CO2 i transportsektoren med anvendelse af kunstig intelligens. Og der skal investeres i udviklingen,
Can AI Help Achieve Environmental Sustainability? | Earth.Org
AI is becoming more influential each year, and big companies with heavy ecological footprints can use it to make their activity more sustainable.
Kunstig intelligens finder CO2-syndere i bygninger
Forestil dig to fuldstændigt ens huse. Både på tegninger og set ved selvsyn er de identiske. Samme tag, vinduer, isolering og murværk. Men varme- ...
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Reduction of Carbon Emissions: Step Towards Sustainable Environment
Carbon emissions are the main cause of climate change. The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has broken the balance between the original layers of the earth, resulting in the occurrence of ecological and environmental effects such as climate zone changes, terrestrial ecosystem evo…
Kunstig intelligens og algoritmer på arbejde for at reducere CO2 fra bilflåder
Et tværfagligt innovationsprojekt skal reducere CO2-udledningen fra TDC NET’s mange teknikerbiler. Nøglen er automatiseret transportplanlægning og metoden kan udbredes til andre virksomheder.
AI can help us fight climate change. But it has an energy problem, too
AI is changing the way we work, live and solve challenges. It can improve healthcare, protect elephants from poachers, and work out how broadband should be distributed.
How artificial intelligence is helping tackle environmental challenges
We can’t manage what we don’t measure, goes the old business adage. This rings true more than ever today as the world faces a triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste.
Reducing Carbon Emissions With AI And Smart Building Technology |
John Bohlmann, founder and CEO, HawkenQA, shares insights into how AI and smart building technology can help reduce carbon emissions and fuel sustainability.
How To Fight Climate Change Using AI
AI is a game-changing critical enabler that has the potential to speed up humanity’s race against climate change. With AI, we have a chance to build a more resilient future for us all. AI can help reducing emissions, improving energy efficiency, and increasing the use of renewable energy sources
AI and Climate Change: Using Technology to Reduce Emissions — ITRex
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Environmental Sustainability And AI
AI can contribute to your company’s carbon footprint or if managed well, help reduce the impact your company has on the environment.
Using ChatGPT in Education
At Viden.AI, we have not decided regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the use of ChatGPT. Therefore, exercise caution when incorporating the program into education or storing sensitive personal information.

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