I denne artikel vil vi prøve at skrive en novelle sammen med OpenAI Playground.

Vi beder OpenAI Playground om at være vores ghostwriter på en novelle om nybyggere i USA. Først spørger vi pænt, om OpenAI vil være vores ghostwriter:

From now on I want you to pretend you are the author of a novel about the settlers in usa. You will be a ghostwriter for a novel I am writing. Acknowledge Yes or No.

Playground svarer hurtigt med et ”Yes”, og vi kan begynde. Som det første spørger vi ind til miljøet: ”Describe the world as the settlers started to arrive in America.

Vores AI ghostwriter svarer følgende:

The world the settlers arrived to was a vast and untamed land. The Great Plains spanned from the east to the west, and the Appalachian Mountains rose from the north to the south. The land was filled with wild animals and unpredictable weather patterns, and the settlers had to learn quickly how to navigate the landscape and survive the elements. The land was filled with opportunities, but also with danger and uncertainty. The settlers had to learn to work together to build homes and communities, and to cultivate the land for their families to prosper.

Vi vil også vide, hvilket år novellen foregår i, og får svaret: ”The year is 1776.”

Vi ønsker desuden at vide mere om personerne og spørger derfor: ”Who are our main characters? Describe them.” Vi får følgende karakteristik af personerne:

Our main characters are a family of settlers, the Smiths. The family consists of husband and wife, Robert and Rebecca, and their two children, Charles and Sarah. Robert and Rebecca are brave and determined pioneers, eager to start a new life in the New World. Charles is a bright and inquisitive young boy, while Sarah is a gentle and kind-hearted girl. The Smiths are determined to build a life for themselves and their children, despite the dangers and uncertainties they face in the New World.

For at få en idé om plottet, efterspørger vi nogle konflikter, der kan drive historien fremad: ”We need a few conflicts to drive the history.” Ghostwriteren forklarer:

The Smiths face a few conflicts as they start their new life in the New World. One of the main conflicts is the threat of Native American attacks. The Smiths must learn to either befriend or defend themselves against the Native American tribes. Another conflict is the harshness of the wilderness. The Smiths must learn how to survive in an unpredictable landscape, and how to cultivate the land for their families' needs. Lastly, the Smiths must also learn how to coexist with their fellow settlers, as tensions can rise between competing groups of settlers.

Vi fortsætter med at udforske miljøet: ”Describe the environment, the smells, the nature.” Ghostwriteren giver denne miljøbeskrivelse:

The environment of the New World is one of great beauty and diversity. The air is crisp and clean, and the scent of pine and earth fill the air. The Great Plains stretch endlessly, and the sky is filled with stars and an ever-changing landscape of clouds. The Appalachian Mountains tower above and provide a stunning backdrop, while the rivers and streams provide sustenance and adventure. Wildlife roams freely, and the fields and forests are filled with a variety of plants and flowers. The environment is both majestic and unpredictable, and the Smiths must learn to navigate it for their own safety and survival.

Vi kan sådan set fortsætte i det uendelige... Men vi beder nu om et resumé af det, vi har fundet ud af indtil nu: ”Summarize our ideas so far”:

The Smiths are a family of settlers who arrive in the New World in 1776, eager to start a new life and build a future for themselves and their children. The environment is one of great beauty and diversity, with the air filled with the scent of pine and earth, and the landscape filled with stars and ever-changing clouds. However, the settlers must also face various conflicts, from Native American attacks to the harshness of the wilderness, as well as tensions between competing groups of settlers. The Smiths must learn to navigate this unpredictable and dangerous land in order to build a successful future.

For at bruge OpenAI Playground konstruktivt og med udbytte i undervisningen, kan vi benytte os af forskellige tilgange. En anvendelse af programmet kunne fx være at give eleverne resuméet af en fortælling som den om nybyggerne i USA og så bede dem om at udfolde historien i deres egen novelle.

En anden tilgang kunne være at bede eleverne om at bruge OpenAI Playground som ghostwriter. Samtidig skulle eleverne føre log over, hvad programmet foreslår, og hvordan de efterfølgende bearbejder og omformulerer ghostwriterens udkast i deres eget sprog.

Begge ovennævnte forslag til brug af Playground vil bidrage til at øge elevernes ordforråd og hjælpe med idégenerering til novelleskrivning, især sidstnævnte er en udfordring for mange gymnasieelever. Der er altså fagligt læringspotentiale i anvendelsen af OpenAI Playground. Vi skal blot vænne os til at tænke den nye teknologi ind i vores undervisning.

ChatGPT vil næsten altid give et unikt output, så hvis du prøver at gentage vores spørgsmål, vil du nok få en hel anden historie.
Brug af ChatGPT i undervisningen
På Viden.AI har vi ikke taget stilling til persondataforordningen og brugen af ChatGPT. Vær derfor påpasselig med at inddrage programmet som en del af undervisningen eller til opbevaring af personfølsomme oplysninger.

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