
Newsletter: May 2023

· 6 min read
Newsletter: May 2023

Here is a newsletter with all the new things regarding artificial intelligence and education in the past period. We know it can be difficult to stay updated, but we hope these newsletters can provide a good overview because things are going really fast at the moment.

We will publish many new articles free of charge and without ads. The site's operation is covered by lectures we hold around the country. If anyone wants to contribute to the site, please write to [email protected].

Upcoming Articles

We are working on several new articles that should be published within 14 days.

OpenAI has opened up for paying users to access plugins and the ability to let ChatGPT search the web. We have gained access, are testing the features, and are writing an article about it. Our first impression of the Wolfram Alpha plugin is that the language model's possibilities for working with mathematics have been significantly improved.

One article we look forward to is the one where we look at AI literacy and the TPACK model. Here, we examine what happens to the knowledge domains in the TPACK model when new technology, such as the Rapid Processing System, is introduced. ChatGPT or another generative artificial intelligence.

We are also working on an article on how educational institutions can prepare an understanding paper for using AI in education. It can be difficult for the individual school to set clear rules because technology changes so quickly.

One (too many) highly anticipated article deals with whether you can detect whether a text is written by artificial intelligence. Beforehand, we were a little reluctant to write this article because it could be a recipe for abusing ChatGPT for tests. Before the article comes out, we want to work out a way to ensure who gets access. Specifically, this will mean that you must have a free user on Viden.AI, and at the same time, it must be a work email.

State of play on Viden.AI

Viden.AI has just passed 35,000 visits since the turn of the year. We are approaching 1000 subscribers to the newsletter, and currently, are 50 articles available on the site. Currently, we have about 350 visits a day. We aimed to write a few articles about artificial intelligence and education from the beginning, but it has taken hold a bit. 😄

At the same time, we have agreed with the Royal Danish Library to collect our articles for the Net Archive, which does not happen automatically when we have an AI domain.

Expert group to make recommendations to the government

On Monday, 8 May, Mattias Tesfaye (Social Democrat) presented an expert group to look at artificial intelligence and the challenges associated with tests in the education system. The group is headed by the former chairman of the Danish Gymnasium and the former principal of Gefion Gymnasium, Birgitte Vedersø.

We proudly write that Per Størup Lauridsen, in web communication, represents Viden.AI. Per is a co-founder of Viden.AI and author of many articles on this site.

Read the press release below:

Minister ønsker viden om ChatGPT, og hvordan skoler og institutioner kan begrænse snyd med digitale hjælpemidler

Podcast about artificial intelligence from It-vest

Anders Høeg Nissen from podLAB has produced a podcast series for IT-vest about conversational robots and their importance for teaching and education.

Rune Schmidt has been interviewed for the episode about Robots in informatics education – bringing "reality" into the classroom. Here, the focus is on using ChatGPT as an informatics tool.

It is also worth listening to episode 25 and episode 26.

Podcast-serie: Computational thinking - at tænke
Computational thinking - at tænke med maskiner: en podcast-serie om informatik og brugen af computationelle metoder i forskning og uddannelse.


15 May 2023: SDU University Education
Newsletter May 2023: Oral group exams

11 May 2023: Omnibus - Aarhus University
While some fear the entry of artificial intelligns into the university, AU associate professor has invited AI all the way into the auditorium

May 10, 2023: TV-2
Google integrates artificial intelligence into its products

9 May 2023: Althing
HF students: The education system is not geared for a reality with artificial intelligence

8 May 2023: UVM
Minister wants knowledge about ChatGPT and how schools and institutions can limit cheating with digital aids

4 May 2023: Danish Gymnasiums
Danish Gymnasiums' attitude to text generation tools based on artificial intelligence in teaching and for exams

2 May 2023: Politiken
So significant is the technological revolution

May 2, 2023: MIT Technology Review
Geoffrey Hinton tells us why he's now scared of the tech he helped build

1 May 2023: Politiken
The Confederation of Danish Industry wants artificial intelligence in schools

28 April 2023: Reuters
EU proposes new copyright rules for generative AI

April 24, 2023: AI News
Bill Gates: AI will be teaching kids literacy within 18 months

New articles on Viden.AI

Since the last newsletter, seven articles have been written on Viden.AI. Read them here:

ChatGPT som historiefortæller: it-systemers påvirkning i informatik
Informatikfaget er et fag, hvor eleverne producerer forskellige digitale produkter (i lærerplanen benævnt som “it-systemer”). Faget indeholder dog også et fagligt mål, hvor eleverne skal lære at reflektere over, hvordan det digitale har påvirket og stadig påvirker os: Eleven skal kunne give eksempl…
Snapchats My AI: Kunstig intelligens møder børn - en bekymrende udvikling?
På Viden.AI har vi normalt fokus på kunstig intelligens i undervisningen, og vi undersøger de nyeste muligheder samt fordele og ulemper ved teknologien. I denne artikel skifter vi lidt fokus og ser på Snapchat, og hvordan de har implementeret kunstig intelligens i form af “My AI” - på dansk
AutoGPT - på vej mod selvstændige AI-agenter i undervisningen
Vi har allerede set en række eksempler på, hvordan man kan bruge ChatGPT i undervisningen, men det har udelukkende været gennem OpenAI’s hjemmeside. Udfordringen er dog, at man hele tiden skal skrive beskeder og vente på, at ChatGPT svarer tilbage. Her skal man selv tolke på det, som bliver skrevet,
Seriously, I’m Too Old For This “CHAT”!
ChatGPT – Love it? Hate it? Still wondering what it is? This open AI language model chatbot was launched in November 2022 and has been changing the world one chat at a time! And since its release, newer versions and other players have been added to the AI Chat traffic. And
Kønsbias når generativ AI skriver tekster
Der har været skrevet en del om biasudfordringer i sprogmodellerne, og i denne artikel vil vi undersøge, hvordan ChatGPT fremstiller forskellige jobs med en meget tydelig kønsstereotyp bias. Artiklen undersøger GPT-modellerne i forskellige versioner, og til sidst undersøges Microsoft Bing. I artikle…
Moodboards med Midjourney
Et moodboard er en samling af forskellige visuelle elementer, såsom skitser, billeder (f.eks. udklip fra magasiner), tekster, farver, fysiske materialer og lignende, der er sammensat som en collage for at formidle en generel idé, en visuel retning eller en følelse. Moodboards bruges ofte indenfor kr…
Bedre styr på data i ChatGPT
OpenAI tilbyder nu bedre muligheder for, at du kan holde dine data for dig selv. De bliver stadig gemt i en periode, men du kan nu vælge, at de ikke må bruges, og at de skal slettes efter 30 dage. En af de mange ting, ChatGPT er blevet kritiseret for,