Another week has passed, and it offers new surprises in AI and education.

New Danish language model trained on Danish data and running on Danish servers

Mads Henrichsen has been working on a Danish language model trained on Danish data since December 2022. He estimates he has spent around 950 hours and DKK 100,000 preparing the models.

🔹 100% Danish: Trained exclusively on Danish data.
🔹 Longer availability: Now available for at least 30 days.
🔹 Easy access: No login required.
🔹 Completely free: No hidden fees.
🔹 More powerful: With built-in Google search function for up-to-date data.

You can test DanskGPT for free, and it will be available for approx. 30 days. DanskGPT is an essential step towards getting a language model that can be used in teaching, and at the same time, it is an opportunity to protect and promote the Danish language.

Try it here:

DanskGPT - Den danske version af ChatGPT
DanskGPT er en dansk version af OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Den kan bruges til at svare på spørgsmål, opsummere tekster og meget mere.

Read also the AI Portal's interview with Mads Henrichsen below:

DanskGPT: Et vanvids-projekt for en enkelt mand
En dansk sprogmodel. Flere har sagt, at det ikke kan lade sig gøre og mange har sagt, at det ikke kan betale sig. Mads Henrichsen har trænet en. Han kalder den DanskGPT. Mads Henrichsen har en bachelor i IT og erhvervsøkonomi og en kandidat i data science fra CBS. Han har være ansat hos Ernst & Youn…

Feature article: Denmark's Education System Risks Sailing in the dark in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

We (Claus and Per) wrote a feature article for Information, on October 7th. The feature article aims to create debate about the lack of teaching in technology understanding, which challenges the Danish education system.

It is very incidental how artificial intelligence is included and used in the education and training sector. Teachers and educators occupy many different positions. Some embrace development and experiment, and explore new possibilities. Some shut down entirely and deliberately forget that the technology exists, while others leave it to the students to explore the possibilities. There will, therefore, be some who already use the technology on a large scale without guidance among the students. 

We believe there is a need for the government to take responsibility and fund a national knowledge center for all education levels and for digital technology in education. This can help link education levels and transfer and share knowledge between primary, secondary, and higher education. There is a need for a common language and academic environment that can create coherence and equal conditions for how digital technology can be brought into play throughout education, regardless of where you live in the country and where you study.

Our article can be read here:

Debat: Danmarks uddannelsessystem risikerer at sejle i mørke i den kunstige intelligens’ æra
Den næste generation skal rustes til at navigere i en verden, hvor kunstig intelligens ikke er til at komme uden om. Derfor bør regeringen finansiere et nationalt videnscenter for digital teknologi.

News of the week

Danmark arbejder på at skabe sin egen ChatGPT
Bekymringer om datasikkerhed og juridiske udfordringer kan danne grundlag for en dansk egenudviklet sprogmodel. Tre løsninger er i spil.

Bag betalingsmur

Ny KI-tjeneste er populær blant studenter
Over 3000 studenter brukte ny KI-tjeneste den første uka den ble lansert.
180 Degree Turn: NYC District Goes From Banning ChatGPT to Exploring AI’s Potential
A new lab created by the school system aims to help districts around the country find a smart approach to a rapidly evolving technology.
Dør den personlige facilitering med fremkomsten af AI?
Tid er en knap faktor. Sådan har det altid været, og det ser ud til at blive intensiveret den kommende tid. Kan AI hjælpe facilitatoren i forbindelse med læring og facilitering af processer, eller overtager AI det hele? Og kan alt herefter klares nemt via e-learning?
How to confront the problematic use of ChatGPT in higher education
Universities in Bangladesh need to formulate policies on regulating the rampant use of AI technologies
Artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT to be allowed in Australian schools from 2024
‘Kids are using it right across the country. We’re playing catch-up,’ federal education minister says as states back national framework
KP ændrer eksamener for at undgå snyd med ChatGPT
På Københavns Professionshøjskole skal eksamener på sundhedsuddannelserne ændres, da en undersøgelse peger på, at cirka hver tredje studerende har snydt med ChatGPT. Iføl
Ordblindeuge: Kunstig intelligens kan hjælpe ordblinde elever til at læse og skrive bedre
Læse-skriveteknologier har allerede kunstig intelligens indbygget, men snart vil ordblinde elever kunne få endnu mere støtte til deres tekster. Det er dog vigtigt, at de stadig lærer at læse og skrive, pointerer ekspert i ordblindhed Trine Gandil.
Artificial intelligence technology behind ChatGPT was built in Iowa — with a lot of water
As they race to capitalize on a craze for generative AI, leading tech developers including Microsoft, OpenAI and Google have acknowledged that growing demand for their AI tools carries hefty costs, from expensive semiconductors to an increase in water consumption.
Lærer: Skoler skal vågne op og investere i lærerens AI-færdigheder, før det er for sent
Lad os arbejde sammen som lærere, ledere og samfund for at skabe en fremtid, hvor vores børn ikke blot overlever, men trives i en verden drevet af AI, skriver lærer Yashar Bavel i dette debatindlæg.

Scientific articles

Paper page - Attention Satisfies: A Constraint-Satisfaction Lens on Factual Errors of Language Models
Join the discussion on this paper page

Large Language Models Understand and Can Be Enhanced by Emotional Stimuli

The article deals with integrating emotional nuances into language models, significantly improving their effectiveness, especially in complex tasks.

This Week's Recommendation

Every week, The ChatGPT Report is released, where Ryan Collier summarizes the most important AI news in about 20 minutes.

‎The ChatGPT Report on Apple Podcasts
‎Technology · 2023