In the past week, a lot has happened, and we have chosen to focus on three news: Microsoft has just announced Copilot in Windows and has set a date on when the Office suite (which has changed its name to Microsoft 365) will be launched, and the University of Oslo has released their language model. In addition, we focus on OpenAI's new version of DALL-E, where ChatGPT is mixed with image generation.

Microsoft announces Copilot in Windows

On Thursday, September 21, Microsoft announced their AI system, called "Copilot," that will be integrated into several applications in Windows 11. The free update, coming September 26, gives access to a virtual intelligent personal assistant that can, among other things, write text, summarize content, or generate images. 

Microsoft has developed the program Designer for graphic productions, which builds on OpenAI's DALL-E, version 3. Designers can expand an image beyond its original boundaries, add or remove objects or backgrounds, and perform various other graphic tasks. In addition, the user now has access to Designer in Word, which can analyze the content of the text and make suggestions for new visual elements. 

Below, you can taste the possibilities of Microsoft Designer in Word.

We think that the announcement is exciting from a teaching point of view, as many aspects of learning also include competencies in in-house content production and a dedicated effort. Microsoft itself writes:

"Copilot in Windows (in preview) allows you to create faster, complete tasks with ease and lessens your cognitive load — making once-complicated tasks simple," writes Yusuf Mehdi, CVP and Consumer Chief Marketing Officer at Microsoft

However, the program can also allow for more focused and productive learning, with Copilot helping students learn and master complex tasks faster and more efficiently.

Microsoft has also set a date for the launch of the Office suite with built-in AI, and on November 1, Microsoft will release their "Microsoft 365 Copilot" to individual enterprise customers. It will cost up to $30 (approx. DKK 210) per user monthly. 

As soon as Copilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot become available and we gain access, we will write a series of articles on Viden.AI.

Microsoft åbner ny AI-æra: Lancerer intelligente copilots – Om Microsoft Danmark

GPT UiO - ChatGPT at Norwegian University

The University of Oslo publishes GPT UiO, an edition of OpenAI's ChatGPT version 3.5, focused on security and privacy, and available to all staff and students at the university. The service is based on the same structure as and is hosted on European servers. Data on user information is only stored on the university's server in Blindern

Kilde: Universitetet i Oslo

Thus, staff and students at the university can use a language model for research, writing, and study methods, and at the same time, it is possible to include the language model in teaching.

The university has classified what data and information you can enter into the system (yellow and green data), and here, they allow staff and students to enter unpublished research data, internal working documents, exam answers, and personal data.

If you want to read more about the solution, Universitetsavisa has interviewed Dagfinn Bergsager, Head of Section for Web Development at UiO. Read the interview below:

Var forbudt: Nå kan disse bruke Chat GPT i undervisning og forskning
- Mange sier at de snart kommer på banen, men vi er der allerede, sier UiOs seksjonssjef for webutvikling. GPT UiO er deres nye, personverntrygge KI-chat.

DALL-E 3 - From Text to Images

OpenAI has announced a third version of generative AI that turns text into images. In the new version, which will launch in October, OpenAI lets DALL-E 3 interact with ChatGPT. Thus, ChatGPT changes character and becomes a multimodal tool, where the user only needs to be prompted to generate text and images. At the same time, users are helped to write good prompts for photos, which is quite extensive in MidJourney. OpenAI itself notes: "No hacks or prompt engineering required".

When DALL-E 3 is launched, we will write an article on Viden.AI and explore how it can be used in teaching.

Below is the video from OpenAI showing what DALL-E 3 can do:

New writers on Viden.AI

We have two new authors on the site, and their focus will mainly be on the primary school area.

Niels Kristian Beck (left) and Christian Strøm Lau (right)

Niels Kristian Beck is a trained teacher with a diploma in special education and cand.pæd. He holds a PhD in IT didactic design and works as a teaching assistant at AU and a special class teacher within the autism spectrum. Niels is particularly interested in the possibilities and limitations of the use of technology and the ethical challenges that technology brings. He is interested in how we can equip teachers to handle teaching that enables students to be critically reflective of the use of generative AI and use technological tools in an ethically responsible way that can enhance their learning. 

Christian Strøm Lau is 39 years old, a teacher, and cand.pæd. in IT didactic design. Christian is particularly interested in the current and potential ethical challenges we face with the advent of commercial generative AI like Niels Christian is also interested in how we can educate teachers and students to use generative AI both responsibly and critically and with increased learning as a consequence. 

Niels and Christian have developed in connection with their master's thesis, and here, they focus on creating a platform for teachers seeking knowledge about the use of generative AI in teaching.

Read also their first article on Viden.AI here:

Hvad skal generative sprogmodeller bruges til i undervisningen?
I et debatindlæg i fagbladet folkeskolen skriver CFU-konsulent Mikkel Aslak Koudal Andersen, at det er tid til, at skolerne og lærerne kommer i gang med at forholde sig til generative sprogmodeller, at skabe egne erfaringer og at snakke med hinanden og med eleverne om den banebrydende teknologi.…


Efterskole bruger ChatGPT i alle fag: »Ellers bliver det en smutvej for eleverne« | Version2
På True North Efterskole fokuseres der på elevernes egne refleksioner og kreativitet i undervisningen og afleveringerne, og derfor må de gerne benytte ChatGPT til de lette opgaver. Det er en del af den moderne verden, lyder det fra efterskolens afdelingsleder.

Bag betalingsmur

Bruk KI-milliarden riktig, sats på de åpne, globale språkmodellene
– Vi trenger et miljø i Norge som kan trene de nye språkmodellene videre på norsk tekst og tilgjengeliggjøre dem for alle som vil bruke dem, skriver Sven Størmer Thaulow og Simen Eide i Schibsted i denne kronikken.
Frygt ikke. Forstå og regulér. Her er ekspertens bud på at håndtere kunstig intelligens
Vil du have magt over kunstig intelligens, bliver du nødt til at forstå den. Selvom det kan føles som at tale med rumvæsener, siger førende AI-forsker Inga Strümke.
ChatGPT-problematikken: Fjern det skriftlige standpunkt fra karaktergennemsnittet
Fra hypet ChatGPT til vi-løser-virkelige-problemer-GPT | Radar
Det er svært at komme udenom ChatGPT, hvis snakken falder på fremtidens arbejdsmarked eller for den sags skyld på eksamener eller sociale medier. Der er flere og flere bekymrede miner, men også vild begejstring og en helt forståelig fascination af, hvad vi lige pludselig kan. Vi er med andre ord mid…
The 10 Most Important AI Trends For 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now
Dive into the transformative landscape of 2024, where artificial intelligence AI permeates every facet of our lives.
Å forby ChatGPT er som å kjøre baklengs inn i fremtiden
Å forsøke å hindre studenter i å bruke ChatGPT kan sammenlignes med Don Quijotes kamp mot vindmøllene. Denne kampen er umulig å vinne. Her er tre tiltak som kan føre til kritisk og god bruk av den nye teknologien.
Indisk virksomhed har lært kunstig intelligens at faktatjekke. Vi har testet, hvor dygtig den er
En overflod af desinformation, en fordummet befolkning, sågar menneskehedens udryddelse. Der er næsten ingen grænser for, hvilke dårligdomme kunstig intelligens er blevet spået at kunne føre med sig. Særligt efter AI-chatbotten ChatGPT, der blev lanceret sidste år, gjorde kunstig intelligens til all…
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AI used to target kids with disinformation
The BBC finds YouTube videos in more than 20 languages spreading disinformation disguised as science content.

Scientific Articles

In our research, we frequently encounter new scientific articles, and we would like to highlight the most interesting ones.

From Pretraining Data to Language Models to Downstream Tasks: Tracking the Trails of Political Biases Leading to Unfair NLP Models
Shangbin Feng, Chan Young Park, Yuhan Liu, Yulia Tsvetkov. Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). 2023.
Towards Unbounded Machine Unlearning
Deep machine unlearning is the problem of removing the influence of a cohort of data from the weights of a trained deep model. This challenge is enjoying increasing attention due to the widespread use of neural networks in applications involving user data: allowing users to exercise their `right to…

This Week's Recommendation

Last week, our recommendation was to read Inga Strümke's book, "Maskiner der tænker" If you're unsure about whether to invest time in the book, you can start by listening to René Hjerting's excellent podcast, where he interviews Inga Strümke.

Bestseller om AI skaber samfundsdebat
Her taler jeg med Inga Strümke. Hun har skrevet ”Maskiner der tænker” – en bog om kunstig intelligens, som straks blev en bestseller