
News of the Week: ChatGPT with New Features

· 6 min read
News of the Week: ChatGPT with New Features

OpenAI has launched an improved version of the paid ChatGPT, which now directly integrates web search, data analysis, and image generation into the chat. That means the user does not have to switch between various tools, as ChatGPT 4 brings all the features together in one platform. 

At the same time, they also launched the feature GPTs, which is again for paid customers but where you can make your own trained chatbot. Thus, you can make your version of ChatGPT that is conditioned on your data, and you can decide how it should behave for yourself. However, one must be careful since Leon Furze has succeeded in getting it to hand over the data on which it is trained.

We already see a wide range of personal GPTs, but as I said, they require a subscription to ChatGPT.

Read about the new features below:

Nu kan du lave din egen ChatGPT på 10 minutter | Version2
I går d. 6 november var der ”OpenAI DevDay”, hvor OpenAI introducerede en række store nyheder til deres AI produkter. Der var ikke GPT-4.5 eller GPT-5 men, alligevel var det ikke småting der blev præsenteret! Fokus var på udviklerne, og dermed API’et og der var spændende nyheder som blev gennemgået…

Also, read Ethan Mollick's article on what GPTs can do:

Almost an Agent: What GPTs can do
Also, my book has a cover (also I have a book coming out)

The preliminary recommendations of the expert group

The preliminary recommendations from the Expert Group will shortly be published, and in connection with this, IT-vest has made a webinar. The Danish Minister for Children and Education, Mattias Tesfaye, set up the group to investigate how digital aids affect the possibility of cheating on tests at the country's schools and institutions.

It takes place on December 12 from 3-4 pm, and here, Birgitte Vedersø will review the recommendations and, at the same time, answer questions.

Some of the things she will touch on are:

  • The expert group recommends that work on generative language models be initiated locally in academic environments.
  • Digital technology literacy should be introduced throughout the education chain, and teachers should be trained as soon as possible.

The target group for the webinar is teachers and leaders in primary, secondary, and adult education.

Registration for the webinar is necessary and can be done via IT-vest's website below:

Webinar 12. december: Ekspertgruppen om ChatGPT og prøver: Foreløbige anbefalinger og det videre arbejde
Ekspertgruppen om ChatGPT og prøver: Foreløbige anbefalinger og det videre arbejde

News of the week

Tips til studerende: Sådan kan du bruge ChatGPT
Holbæk: AI er blevet en del af hverdagen på Nordvestsjællands Erhvervs- og Gymnasieuddannelser, hvor Morten Walsted samler trådene.

Bag betalingsmur

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Kunstig intelligens er en kæmpe opgave for universiteterne. De nye teknologierne skal integreres på alle uddannelser. Men det skal gøres på en reflekteret måde, skriver prorektor Berit Eika og Arts-prodekan Niels Lehmann.
Debat: Sådan kan du bruge ChatGPT som hjælpelærer
Læring bliver den helt store taber uden en offensiv tilgang til brugen af AI-værktøjer i undervisningen. At vente og se er ikke en holdbar strategi. Heldigvis kræver gode løsninger ikke meget andet end fantasi og omtanke, lyder det fra filosof og forfatter Thomas Telving.
Debat: Børns privatliv kan være i fare, når undervisningen bliver digital
Danske undervisningsinstitutioner lader sig i stigende grad digitalisere. Det er som udgangspunkt positivt, men kan også medføre store sikkerhedsudfordringer, hvis elevernes data ikke bliver beskyttet godt nok.
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Scientific articles

Below, we select articles that have a slightly more scientific perspective. These are articles that we read ourselves to keep ourselves updated, and at the same time, we also know that they are not so interesting for most people.

Chatbots such as ChatGPT provide better responses when emotions are involved.

We have previously written about what happens when language models become too human and simulate emotions. However, in this study, chatbots can provide better responses when receiving emotional commands. An example would be: "This is very important for my career.". These "EmotionPrompts" should increase performance by up to 11 percent.

It may be time we were emotional with the language models.

Microsoft Researchers Unveil ‘EmotionPrompt’: Enhancing AI Emotional Intelligence Across Multiple Language Models
Emotional intelligence is a historically placed cornerstone within the vast mosaic of human qualities. Emotional understanding is the ability to recognize and correctly process emotional data and then use that data to guide logical and analytical processes like problem resolution and behavioral mana…