On Thursday, ChatGPT came out a year ago; before that, very few people knew anything about language models. We have compiled several articles examining what generative AI means for teaching.

Ett år med ChatGPT: Generativ AI revolusjonerer måten vi lever, leker, lærer og jobber - HansPetter.info
Med lanseringen av ChatGPT den 30. november 2022, innledet OpenAI en ny æra preget av banebrytende teknologisk innovasjon. Og dette er kun starten. Generativ AI har kommet for å bli, og vil bli umulig å ignorere i tiden fremover. Les mer
ChatGPT 1-Year Anniversary: How Generative AI Has Evolved
The safety risks of generative AI and its potential uses are mainstream now in ways they weren’t in November 2022.
ChatGPT one year on: who is using it, how and why?
In just a year, ChatGPT has permeated scientific research. Seven scientists reveal what they have learnt about how the chatbot should — and shouldn’t — be used.
ChatGPT and Beyond: The Generative AI Revolution in Education
The wide adoption and usage of generative artificial intelligence (AI) models, particularly ChatGPT, has sparked a surge in research exploring their potential applications in the educational landscape. This survey examines academic literature published between November, 2022, and July, 2023, specifi…

New text field for written tests in German, English, and French

From May 2024, a new text field will be introduced for the written German, English, and French tests in grades 9 and 10, with mandatory use from the 2024/2025 school year. This new text box replaces traditional word processors like Word and Google Docs and includes no spelling and grammar checking. The goal is to ensure a more equal and fair trial process while minimizing cheating with word suggestion features, ChatGPT, and translation programs.

Students can continue to use dictionaries and grammatical summaries as aids, and schools can voluntarily sign up for the new format as early as May 2024. Registration for this voluntary phase requires the school to participate in all three foreign languages and comply with the latest test conditions. The Danish Agency for Education and Quality prepares new test guidelines, and the assessment criteria are adapted to the new conditions.

Schools not participating in the voluntary phase must use the text box from the winter term 2024. Continuously updated guidance material will be published on the ministry's website towards the school year 2024/2025.

Nyt tekstfelt til brug for de skriftlige prøver i tysk, engelsk og fransk - frivillig indfasning fra maj 2024
Information om gradvis indfasning af nyt tekstfelt til besvarelse af delprøven i skriftlig fremstilling i tysk, engelsk og fransk i 9. og 10. klasse.

Integrative technology understandings for a sustainable world

Mikala Hansbøl, PhD, has written an article about integrating technology understanding into the education system. She argues that educational institutions should focus on a holistic understanding of technology beyond traditional tool and instrument understandings. She criticizes both technology evangelism and pessimism, as these views overlook the complexity of technology and its impact on society. 

Hansbøl highlights how digital technologies such as ChatGPT and AI affect our understanding of the world and stresses the importance of critical thinking and accountability in using these technologies. She points to the need for integrative understandings of technology that recognize the many facets of technology, including its impact on climate and culture. 

The article calls for primary and secondary education to reflect on how technology can influence and shape our world. Hansbøl emphasizes that a deep, diverse understanding of technology is crucial to creating a sustainable and democratic future.

Read the article here:

Integrative teknologiforståelser for en bæredygtig verden
Uddannelse er en væsentlig dimension af vores demokrati og mulighed for at skabe en bæredygtig verden. Digitale teknologier eksisterer i verden og er i vores grundskoler og ungdomsuddannelser. Derfor er det væsentligt, at vores uddannelser er i stand til at adressere, hvordan digitale teknologier på…

OpenAI's Q* (Q-Star)

In the last week, many articles have been about a project at OpenAI called Q* - pronounced Q-Star, but we need to learn more about it. Reportedly, the project was why Sam Altman was fired in the first place, but now he has returned as CEO of OpenAI. What is interesting, however, is what Q* is; many guess they are approaching AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). In this state, AI can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various tasks at a level similar to human intelligence. According to Reuters, the Q* program has been able to perform math at the elementary school level.

Mathematics is seen as a big challenge for the language models, and Q* had to be able to solve mathematical tests that were outside its training data - and without using plugins.

However, it is essential to note that total AGI is still a long way to go.

OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say
Ahead of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s four days in exile, several staff researchers wrote a letter to the board of directors warning of a powerful artificial intelligence discovery that they said could threaten humanity, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Why the Entire AI World Was Talking About ‘Q’ This Week
After a mysterious announcement by Sam Altman, the AI industry is buzzing about what Q-star could mean.


Below is a list of last week's most important news from Danish and a few international sources.

ChatGPT minder os om det gode ved uvidenhed
Hvis man kan få svar på alle sine spørgsmål med ChatGPT, har man så overhovedet behov for at lære, læse eller skrive noget?
Det har jeg lært af et år med ChatGPT | Version2
I anledningen af en særlig fødselar, der fyldte 1 år den 30. november, har jeg skrevet lidt om, hvad jeg har lært her på årsdagen - særligt i forbindelse med arbejdet med min bog AI i gymnasiet der lige er udkommet
KU: Kunstig intelligens kan hjælpe med at fagfællebedømme forskeres arbejde
Med kunstig intelligens mister forskningen noget vigtigt, men vinder noget andet. Blandt andet kan teknologien bistå forskere med fondsansøgninger og fagfællebedømmelser, skriver Københavns Universitets to prorektorer.
Folketingsmedlem: Digital dannelse skal på skoleskemaet nu
En “robotven”, der gemmer sig på børns telefon, præsenterer dem for skadeligt og ulovligt indhold. Den bruger børns data på en måde, der ikke er i orden. Det er ikke en indledning på en ny dystopisk novelle.
Børn og unge i syv kommuner kan se frem til at udforske og skabe i nye makerspaces
Efter ét år med ChatGPT: Danske Gymnasier efterlyser politisk handling
Gymnasierne er ikke rustede til at håndtere elevernes brug af kunstig intelligens. Og når Undervisningsministeriet udelukkende fokuserer på eksamener, overser man de fleste udfordringer, mener Danske Gymnasier.
SDU will host state-of-the-art GPUs for AI available through DeiC Interactive HPC – SDU eScience
Gymnasielærere: Indfør fælles kontrol med eksamenssnyd – den nuværende situation er det vilde vesten
Gymnasieelever går til eksamen under vidt forskellige vilkår. På nogle skoler tjekker eksamensvagter skærmaktiviteten, mens andre skoler bruger elektronisk registrering. Derfor er der brug for et fælles system til kontrol af eksamenssnyd, skriver Mads Bøndergaard Kobber…
New Lawsuit Ropes Microsoft Into OpenAI’s Legal Battle With Authors Over Training Data
The suit alleges that the tech giant has been “deeply involved in the training, development, and commercialization” of OpenAI’s GPT-based products.
Elevers brug af ChatGPT får skole til at droppe skriftlige afleveringer
Læs mere her
Lis Zacho: Vi skal være producenter ikke forbrugere
Lis Zacho: En pioner i at omdanne børn fra teknologiforbrugere til skabere. Oplev hvordan hun integrerer AI og digital dannelse i uddannelsen for at ruste eleverne til fremtiden. Læs mere om hendes visionære tilgang her.

AI impact on subjects: Media studies

Artificial intelligence affects all disciplines in our education system, and we see many creative opportunities to use the technologies. Some time ago, Dave Villalva released a take on a Star Wars trailer, which is 100% generated by AI and shows how far technology has come. It may not be long before students use it in media productions, presentations, or other multimedia assignments. 

Dave has created images in Midjourney (text-to-image) if you want to try making a trailer. They have been upscaled in Magnific and made into small video clips in Runway (picture-to-video). Max Rascher has written a little about the project on LinkedIn.

Watch the Star Wars trailer here:


Scientific articles

Below, we select articles that have a slightly more scientific perspective. These are articles that we read ourselves to keep ourselves updated, and at the same time, we also know that they are not so interesting for most people.


Researchers have developed a new method of image editing called LEDITS++. The exciting thing about this method is that the model can mask relevant areas in the images, thus replacing them with the text the user has written. At the same time, the model preserves the overall image composition and objects in the picture.

Eksempler hvor modellen har tilføjet elementer til billederne, men stadig bevaret den originale billedekomposition.

In graphic production subjects, we will see a shift in how you work with digital image editing programs, which opens up for experimentation with complex and creative image edits. If you can write what you would like to change in an image, artificial intelligence can also perform it in pictures.

LEDITS++: Limitless Image Editing using Text-to-Image Models
LEDITS++ Limitless Image Editing using Text-to-Image Models
LEDITS++: Limitless Image Editing using Text-to-Image Models
Text-to-image diffusion models have recently received increasing interest for their astonishing ability to produce high-fidelity images from solely text inputs. Subsequent research efforts aim to exploit and apply their capabilities to real image editing. However, existing image-to-image methods are…

Syddansk University purchases 16 NVIDIA H100

To work and research in artificial intelligence and machine learning, SDU eScience Center has purchased 16 NVIDIA H100 GPUs. The 16 H100 GPUs will be made available via the national HPC service, DeiC Interactive HPC, run by a consortium of universities, including Aarhus University, Aalborg University, and SDU.

SDU will host state-of-the-art GPUs for AI available through DeiC Interactive HPC – SDU eScience

Recommendations of the week

This week, we focus on podcasts, and below are links to three excellent sources of more knowledge.

Professionerne ind i maskinrummet – en podcast om digital teknologiforståelse

Below are links to all episodes on IT-vest's podcast, Computational Thinking, and Morten Gundel's project, Teacher's Room.

Computational thinking
Computationel thinking - at tænke med maskiner er en podcast-serie fra It-vest om informatik og brugen af computationelle metoder i forskning og uddannelse. Du vil få indsigt i, hvordan computere kan supplere vores kognitive kompetencer, og du vil møde en lang række forskere fra vidt forskellige fo…
Lærerværelset er en podcast, der kan inspirere og udfordre din undervisning. Den er til dig, der er nysgerrige efter at høre, hvad forskere, elever og andre undervisere tænker om de didaktiske og pædagogiske diskussioner, der fylder i gymnasieskolen.