
News of the week: Misinformation and disinformation

· 10 min read
News of the week: Misinformation and disinformation

The week's news is ready, and they have been selected from among many to give you an insight into the most important areas within artificial intelligence. When we choose the content, we do so based on what we think is relevant and makes sense for the education sector.

This week, we are focusing on misinformation and disinformation and 2 new guides from the Danish Agency for Digitalisation on using generative artificial intelligence aimed at public authorities and companies.
Even though our newsletters have become a bit long, we highly recommend that you watch the video during the week's recommendations. Here, we have found a very informative video from Vox, which deals with whether we should use artificial intelligence in teaching or ban it.

Happy reading, and if you have suggestions for something that should be included in the newsletter, you are always welcome to write to us at [email protected].

Misinformation and disinformation

The World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts in its Global Risk Report that misinformation and disinformation are one of the biggest challenges for the global economy in the short term. The challenge is and will be that we find it increasingly difficult to distinguish the manipulated content from reality. This is particularly problematic concerning the upcoming elections in Great Britain and the United States. Below, we have collected several articles that explore this challenge.

Misinformation is unintended (unintentional), misleading, or false information from a sender to one or more other recipients. Here, the sender is not necessarily aware that the content they are sharing is fake, and the sender has no intention of misleading the recipient. In contrast, disinformation will be an intended (conscious) act to mislead and thus share false information.

Søe, S. O.. (2014). Information, misinformation og disinformation: En sprogfilosofisk analyse. Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab Og Kulturformidling, 3(1), 21-30.

We have chosen to focus on misinformation and disinformation in the newsletter as inspiration for a topic that can be discussed in class. Especially after DR's article: "Every third child never thinks about the fact that photos and videos can be manipulated" indicates that young people do not think about the content they see. Minister of Education Mattias Tesfaye (S) states in the article that the solution is the introduction of compulsory teaching in the understanding of technology in primary schools, which will not be implemented until August 2027. However, he has already encouraged the teachers to work with the subject in visual arts or social studies classes.

To illustrate how far we are with the technology, we have collected several images generated by text-to-image models below. You have to get pretty close to see that the images are not real, so we have also clearly marked that they are AI-generated.


Hvert tredje barn tænker aldrig over, at foto og videoer kan være manipulerede
Ifølge Red Barnet er det problematisk både i forhold til demokrati og kropsforståelse, når børn ikke er kritiske overfor falske billeder.
AI-driven misinformation ‘biggest short-term threat to global economy’
World Economic Forum highlights risk of election interference in year UK and US go to polls
Over 100 Deep-Faked Rishi Sunak Ads Found on Meta’s Platform — Fenimore Harper Communications
Over 100 deep-fake video advertisements impersonating Prime Minister Rishi Sunak were paid to be promoted on Meta’s platform in the last month.
Slew of deepfake video adverts of Sunak on Facebook raises alarm over AI risk to election
Research finds more than 100 paid ads impersonating PM were promoted on social media platform in last month
TITAN | Fighting disinformation through intelligent coaching
TITAN fights disinformation by empowering people with AI-enable coaching support to determine whether news is fake or true…
This is why AI-powered misinformation is the top global risk
Three billion citizens will head to the polls during the next two years. These people must be protected from AI-generated misinformation and disinformation.
Frykter tsunami av KI-generert desinformasjon før valget i USA - Digital Norway
En amerikansk president skal velges i en tid hvor KI-generert innhold er enkelt å lage og vanskelig å oppdage. Les om hvorfor det bekymrer eksperter og mer i årets første Bits & Bytes.

New guides for the responsible use of generative artificial intelligence

The Danish Digital Agency has published two new guides for using generative artificial intelligence. Aimed at government agencies and businesses, these guides offer practical advice on navigating this rapidly evolving technology. They cover important topics such as the risk of bias, factually incorrect answers, and information security.

Nye guides til ansvarlig anvendelse af generativ kunstig intelligens
Digitaliseringsstyrelsen lancerer guides til offentlige myndigheder og virksomheder om anvendelse af generativ kunstig intelligens (AI).

News of the week

Er kunstig intelligens lige så kreativ som et menneske – eller stiller vi de helt forkerte spørgsmål?
Bliver fremtidens store romaner eller overdådige malerier skabt af AI? Ikke nødvendigvis. Algoritmernes kreativitet kan man ikke bare sammenligne med menneskets – men måske kan vi få bedre kunst, hvis vi lærer at arbejde sammen med maskinerne.
Kunstig intelligens tager fart i 2024: ‘Vi får nok øjnene op for skyggesiderne’
I år får vi svar på, om Google kan vippe ChatGPT af pinden. Og så vil vi se et præsidentvalg præget af kunstig intelligens på både godt og ondt.
Digital kompetanse er ikkje ein grunnleggande dugleik
Debatt: – Dump det digitale som grunnleggande dugleik. Fargane frå skjermen gjer barndommen grå.
RUC’s rektor: Det er umuligt at forhindre snyd med AI – vi bør ikke sætte alt ind på den mission
Vi vil aldrig kunne gardere eksamener 100 procent imod snyd. Og fokuserer vi enøjet på det, mister vi den faglighed og de kompetencer, der er behov for på fremtidens arbejdsmarked, skriver Hanne Leth Andersen i et indlæg i Altinget.
Forsøg med ChatGPT er i gang
To Understand ChatGPT’s Impact on Higher Education, Think Like a Scientist - EdSurge News
When a technological breakthrough creates a fog of confusion, rigorous research is the best way to illuminate the path forward.
- Dette vil gi elever en enorm fordel
Mange lærere frykter at elevene bruker kunstig intelligens til juks, men her er en skole som har omfavnet teknologien for å skape super-studenter.
Nå jukses det i stort omfang
Lektor Martin Farstad Jenssen ved Lillehammer videregående skole sier mange lærere fortviler over KI-genererte robotsvar fra elever. Nå etterlyser han handling fra myndighetene.
Red verden fra misinformation: Brug hovedet, og sid på hænderne
LEDER: Misinformation udgør nu den største risiko for verden – foran både krige og klimakatastrofer. Den gode nyhed er, at vi alle kan bidrage til at imødegå truslen.
Google-backed MathGPT sets record, beats ChatGPT and Microsoft AI models
Mathpresso, the maker of Asia’s largest AI-based learning platform QANDA, announced that its math-specific large language model set a new world record.
OpenAI lancerer nye forretningesmodeller | Version2
The GPT Store er tilsvarende eksempelvis Apples App Store, og ChatGPT Team er tilsvarende ChatGPT Enterprise, men tiltænkt mindre organisationer

Scientific articles

Below, we select articles or tools with a slightly more scientific perspective. These are articles that we read ourselves to stay up-to-date, and at the same time, we also know very well that they are not that interesting for most people. This week, the section is a little longer than usual, as we have chosen to include many tools that we find interesting.

Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots

This article discusses ChatGPT's effect on online education and how technology can potentially improve learning. At the same time, several challenges are pointed out, such as the risk of inaccuracies, issues of academic integrity, and plagiarism. Researchers suggest that teaching methods and assessment techniques be updated to incorporate AI tools like ChatGPT while recognizing the need to educate teachers and students about ChatGPT's limitations and potential.
Below is an illustration showing the key findings and takeaways from the article that educators can use to ensure effective chatbot implementation.

Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education.

Merge Large Language Models with mergekit

Noget af det nyeste inden for udviklingen af sprogmodeller, også kaldet LLM, er, at man kan forbedre ydelsen markant ved at samle flere modeller til en enkelt model. Vi har ikke selv testet, men herunder linker vi til PhD Maxime Labonne, som har lavet en ret udførlig tilgang til, hvordan man kan gøre det. Bemærk, at det umiddelbart kræver noget viden om sprogmodeller for at komme i gang og forstå, hvad der sker.

One of the latest developments in the development of language models, also called LLM, is that you can significantly improve performance by combining several models into a single model. We have not tested it ourselves, but below we link to PhD Maxime Labonne, who has made a rather detailed approach to how to do it. Note that it immediately requires some knowledge of language models to get started and understand what is happening.

Merge Large Language Models with mergekit
Create your own models easily, no GPU required!

Play with language models locally on the computer

If you dare to test language models on your computer, you can use LM Studio to test the latest models available on Hugging Face. However, it requires a fairly powerful computer, but here, you can easily install and run the various models.

👾 LM Studio - Discover and run local LLMs
Find, download, and experiment with local LLMs

OpenVoice: Versatile Instant Voice Cloning

The newsletter focuses on misinformation and disinformation, and here is a tool for cloning votes locally on the computer. Again, the approaches are somewhat technical and can be difficult to get started. On their website, they have many examples.

MyShell releases OpenVoice voice cloning AI
A new open-source AI called OpenVoice offers voice cloning with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

Recommendation of the week

This video from Vox gives a pretty good insight into the challenges surrounding banning or including artificial intelligence in education. At the same time, it is also a good starting point for discussing artificial intelligence among the teaching staff.